Home > Artworks > Susana Elena Fernandez Ortiz

Photo of Susana  Elena Fernandez Ortiz Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires on February 25, 1953. He studied art at the National Schools of his country, Argentina. Son: Manuel Belgrano, P. Pueyrredón, and Ernesto de la Cárcova superior. Participates in several art seminars the most significant for the given artist in 1985, by artist Luis Felipe Noe. Ventures also paint other related disciplines such as printmaking, drawing and photography, as also the fashion design with...

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Born in Buenos Aires on February 25, 1953. He studied art at the National Schools of his country, Argentina. Son: Manuel Belgrano, P. Pueyrredón, and Ernesto de la Cárcova superior. Participates in several art seminars the most significant for the given artist in 1985, by artist Luis Felipe Noe. Ventures also paint other related disciplines such as printmaking, drawing and photography, as also the fashion design with traditional elements, interventions, apparel and accessories. His current artistic search is focused on urban nature and its transformation, as well as the same mutation of the natural landscape by urban work is under development. Collective and individual _Exposiciones 1976 Even as a student, was selected to participate IV in art contest for students of Fine Arts. Category "A" drawing - exhibition in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. In "Self Portrait." Synthetic carbon. 1977 Exhibits at the Salon Manuel Belgrano-paint-National Chambers. 1978 Exhibition at Lomas de Zamora. Province of Buenos Aires-1986 municipal Salas spoke in the "Group of Eleven" - exhibition at the National Endowment for the Arts. 1987 With the "Group of Eleven" participates in the Casa de la Cultura de San Isidro a collective _Exposición 1988 Solo exhibition in the tenement - Varela 60 - Flores. Paintings .. 1988 Exhibition "Color 87" Exhibition Center "Malvinas", Pacific Galleries today. City of Buenos Aires. 1998 Exhibits paintings as a guest on exhibition. Galarts Art Gallery. San Telmo. Buenos Aires. 1998 Exhibits watercolors and acrylic paintings in the exhibition "Cosmic Energy." Contemporary Art Gallery Robert Martin - San Telmo, Buenos Aires. 1999 is selected to participate in the Arts Salon XLIV Manuel Belgrano paint shop - Museo Eduardo Sivori .- Paseo de la Infanta, City of Buenos Aires. 1999 is invited to a solo show titled "Returning to the roots" in the City of San Fernando. 2000 Show entitled "The look Primordial" - Centro Cultural Recoleta - Junín 1930 - Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2004 Invited to exhibit at the Recoleta Cultural Center with the exhibition "Imprints Citizen" which features paintings with collage and objects intervened findings. Junin 1930 - Buenos Aires - Argentina. 2005 Exhibition at Gallery Space Esmeralda with the group show "Something to 2 °", which shows visual poetry and books seized. 2oo8 Expotrastienda participates Exhibition Centre in the city of Buenos Aires. - Exquisite women's group exhibition 2008 - Flores. 2009 Expotrastienda Networking - Exhibition Center Buenos Aires City Production Workshop I quote: Calle San Francisco 1547-Home-province of Buenos Aires - I: 4750-0922 - Cell: 155460-6997.

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